Specialised Model Accessories

This part of the website is a little like an “Aladdins Cave” for modellers…

An eclectic assortment of interesting stuff that we guarantee will be useful to modellers of all scales and prototypes! The nice thing about it being on the web is of course that nobody is going to walk up behind and say “can I help you” while you look … so you can just enjoy browsing!

We include here everything from ways to make trains pull more with PowerBase and the ideal way to look after your precious locos with drive-on, drive-off MPD loco storage units… There are Rolling Roads, track cleaners, weathering powders, colour correction lighting to help you see your models as they really are… couplers, building kits and more.

Take your time browsing, and if you have questions, feel free to ask.

Showing 100–198 of 209 results