Model Building Materials

This range too will grow with time.. here are a couple of highlights.

DCCconcepts Smart styrene is something new… and different. Pre-printed 1mm and 10mm grids make layout and planning for your scratch-built model easier – much, much easier than it has been before, bringing the precision that makes some scratch-built models stand out from the crowd.

With the grid pre-printed directly on the styrene, alignment of cuts and final filing to perfection becomes simple and calculation of positioning for details, windows, overlays and doors is now a snap. Like all Styrene (Plasticard) it can be glued with MEK or any plastic compatible adhesive.

Smart Styrene makes accurate, high quality modelling easy!

We are also pleased to offer selected Design Preservation Miniatures models.
Design preservation miniatures modular panels allow a huge variety of buildings to be produced – Although HO, the styling is very reminiscent of US, UK, AU and for that matter European industrial buildings of the Georgian and pre-WW2 period – all that differs in reality is really some trim and roof detail, so they work for many model prototype applications.

Because US buildings were generally slightly larger than their UK equivalents, the HO vs OO scaling is less obvious than with EU models too… so US design DPM buildings have a tendency to look reasonably to scale on 4mm scale UK layouts too!

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