AE Model Products

AE Model Gronk Pack – for DCC Ready Bachmann 08 Locos
Price: £34.95Inc.
AE Model Nano 8-Pin Direct 4 Function Decoder and Stay-Alive Pack for the Bachmann Class 08 – GRONK IT UP!
Everything you need to make your Bachmann 8-Pin Gronk run like you always wished it would! Get perfect Gronk action on your layout! Loco not included!
All AE decoders conform to NMRA and NEM standards. They are produced to the highest quality standards. They also include many unique features and are tailored to give best performance straight from the box.
Decoder features:
– 1.1 Amps peak power
– 750mA continuous power
– 4 functions at 100mA each
– 15mm x 7mm x 5mm (excluding pins)
Stay-Alive features:
– Capacitors 12mm x 5mm ea
– Control Board 12mm x 8mm x 3.5mm
Installation Video: